- Blue Huntsman
- Crimson Dagger
- Crimson Djinn
- Dirty Golem
- King's Goblin
- Laughing Helm
- Restless Chasm
- Rusty Dagger
- Thirsty Guard
- Brotherhood of Mercy
- Conclave of Baal
- Conclave of Justice
- Conclave of Mercy
- Order of the Golden Tomb
- Order of the Red Rose
- <random>'s Finest Provisions
- <random>'s Finest Sundries
- <random>'s General Weaponry Store
- <random>'s Quality Accouterments
- <random>'s Quality Armaments
- <random>'s Quality Merchandise
- <random>'s Sundries
- <random>'s Tool Store
- Bargain Gear Store
- Bargain Sundries
- Bargain Weaponry Store
- Elite Accouterments
- New Supply Store
- Rare Merchandise
- The Adventurer's Armaments
- The Basic Sundries
- The Emperor's Merchandise
- The Emperor's Provisions
- The Essential Equipment Store
- The Practical Merchandise
- The city-state Gear Store
- Used Merchandise
- Vintage Weaponry Store